Virtual Baby Shower Games

Struggling to keep your guests engaged during a virtual baby shower? Keep the awkward away with these hilarious activities.
This post is for all of you entering the world that is parenthood. While many of us are working from home, teaching from home, and even preparing to become new parents, the coming months can look daunting and uncertain. But just because we are more or less stuck in the confined spaces of our homes, doesn’t mean that we can’t celebrate one another! If you or a loved one is pregnant, we are here to help you enhance your baby shower experience, even during a world pandemic. Check out our 5 virtual baby shower games and you’ll have the best Zoom baby shower on your hands in no time!
The 5 Best Virtual Baby Shower Games
Who’s that Baby?
This one’s a classic! Before the shower, ask every guest to email you a copy of his/her baby photo. Compile and number all the photos into one PDF file and send out the final document to all of your guests. During the shower, have everyone gather around each of their screens and take guesses as to whom all of the baby photos belong!
Pro Tip: Have a prize sent to the guest who guesses the most photos correctly!
Baby Registry Bingo
This game may require a bit of prep in advance, but it’s totally worth it! Create a fun bingo score card listing out as many baby products as possible. E-Mail the bingo score cards to all your guests in advance – making sure that the words are mixed up on every card. When it is time to open gifts, have your guests fill in as many registry gifts received. Wait until someone screams BINGO and you’ve found your winner! Guests can continue to play until all of the gifts are opened. 😊
Virtual Pictionary
While this game is not exclusive for baby showers, it is bound to give everyone at the shower a good laugh! All everyone needs for Virtual Pictionary is a piece of paper and a writing utensil. First, you’ll want to find a random word generator and share the link will all your guests.
Break off into 2 teams and start drawing and guessing! Every person from each team takes a turn at drawing their randomly generated word for 5 seconds, while the rest of his/her team has 60 seconds to guess. Once correctly guessed, the next person on each team has a turn at drawing and so on. Every correct guess earns one point!
Virtual Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger hunts are a staple to every baby shower. While you and all your guests are in different homes, it’s still possible! Write up a fun baby-themed scavenger hunt (or find a cute one online!) and email a copy to all of your guests. When it’s time for the hunt, set a timer and have your friends scurry around their homes trying to gather as many items as possible from the list. Once the timer is up, everyone will gather back around the screen again and share what they found… The winner who found the most items will get a prize that can be later mailed to them. 😊
Don’t say ‘BABY!’
Although this one isn’t exactly a game but rather an ongoing activity that will be done throughout the entire time of the baby shower. New rule: no one is allowed to say ‘baby’! We guarantee this will have your friends both struggling and laughing as they attempt to not say the most important yet unforgivable word. As friends point out errors, they earn points. The one with the most points at the end of the party gets a fun prize!